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#tips #privacy

Fedora browser spyware

Category: security

Installing Fedora distribution Brave browser be aware of it, - default plugin is changing User-Agent header to track that you’re using Fedora. Same suitable for fedora’s Firefox, but you can’t change it, it’s compiled in. Details under cut.

#internet, #modernity, #tools

PiHole + dnscrypt-proxy = internet sewage filter

Category: howto

Modern Internet is bloated. But it is possible to make it less bloated. You have to install those programs:

  • PiHole - will be your dns manager with black and white lists;
  • dnscrypt-proxy - will be your safe dnsscrypt proxy to encrypted dns servers;

Setup suitable for GNU/Linux and MacOS

Installing PiHole

  • Run curl -sSL | bash

Installing dnscrypt-proxy

Follow this

After that you have to say to PiHole to use your dnscrypt-proxy

  • Setup your DNS server to the address which you’re install PiHole
  • Go To https://pi.hole (only resolves if you’re setup your dns IP properly)
  • Settings -> DNS (Tab) -> Upstream DSN Servers uncheck everything here
  • Settings -> DNS (Tab) -> Upstream DNS Servers -> Custom 1, put here your dnsscrypt-proxy address#port string

Next, goto to your current computer and other devices network connection settings, and set DNS to your pi.hole IP address, ( if you did it locally).

Done. You’re now using much safer and less bloated internet.


  • Your daily dns traffic will be cleaner from 10% to 25%

  • Very rare some sites or rich web applications may not working, be aware of that.

  • Better to install it on seprate raspberry-pi.

#webmentions, #microformat

Webmention is POSSE compliant mechanism for commenting

Category: social

Lets try Webmnention.

Webmention is a simple way to notify any URL when you mention it on your site. From the receiver's perspective, it's a way to request notifications when other sites mention it.

This spec written by Aaron Paretcki, this mechanism allows post comments on your site and mention it on another sites following POSSE principles, - Publish On Site, Syndicate Elsewhere.

in reply to: @aaronpk

Hi Aaron, thanks for Webmentions, trying out this guide to sending webmentions.

#dev, #ruby, #jekyll

Jekyll mail comments

Category: projects

This blog is made with Jekyll. Jekyll is static site generator. It never have good commenting mechanism, there are few options like integration of 3dparty javascript code, or write some logic with database, or search for plugin. I wrote my own with ruby, without any javascript code nor database invovled. Program take your emails from IMAP directory and generate tree based comments page for Jekyll. User can reply by answering to my email with specific subject. This is a good old way for full-fledged conversations without so called “likes” and “reactions”. It is also premoderated by design, - until you run fetch procedure no comments will be added to your Jekyll site. Comments stored in special json formatted data files, which are compatible with the Jekyll’s Data files mechanism.

I made it as a ruby Gem package option, check it out here

Undercut contains README file from repository, and comments.

Feel free to comment, I’ve already installed it onto this blog, go ahead to try.

#internet, #modernity

Internet sewage: Teaser

Category: reports

Modern internet is full of various marketing telemetry and user identificiation. When you open web page with your favourite browser, it is not only loading page you are supposed to open, but everything else, and that “everthing else” sometimes weight more than original content you’re requested for. Javascript code is a big part of each site you’re loading from internet, and the same time javascript code is top consumer of your CPU time. Not only it uses your cpu to show some graphics and effects and loading content dynamically, it’s also execute telemetry and advertismenet identification code.


Book: The Four Agreements

Category: books
  • Title: The Four Agreemnets
  • Author: don Miguel Ruiz
  • Year: 2019

It’s a kind of a mild version of Carlos Castaneda esoteric mechanics, solid and well narrated, this book is about magic of words and mind-pre-programming withcraft. It’s more like “Transurfing of Reality” by Vadim Zeland, and “Mental Traps” by Andrea Kukla, with more specific approach, although this is shortest and maybe most valueable spiritual book.

Those Four Agreements are:

  • Be Impeccable with your word
  • Don’t take anything personally
  • Do not make an assumptions
  • Always do your best

Read the book for the explanations, it is absolutley worth it. (I’ve listened it about 5 times)


Книга: 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Category: books
  • Название: 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos
  • Автор: Jordan Peterson
  • Год: 2018

Одна из лучших книг на все времена, Доктор Jordan Peterson (о котором напишу отдельный пост), однажды задал себе вопрос, “What are the most valueable things everyone should know ?” (Какие самые ценные вещи должен знать каждый ?), и в ответ на собственный вопрос он придумал, 40 правил жизни которые оформил в виде этой книги. Книгу читает сам доктор Петерсон, что придает ей дополнительную ценность.


* Stand up straight with your shoulders back
* Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
* Make friends with people who want the best for you
* Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
* Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
* Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
* Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
* Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie
* Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't
* Be precise in your speech
* Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
* Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Картинка обложки и ссылка под катом.


Память о действиях и результате

Category: research

График показывает как забывюатся дела которые привели к результату. Почти всегда что-то ценное не появляется сразу, а требует последовательсти дел, которая при определенном успехе приведет к ценному результату, как видно из графика, дела которые были сделаны и которые привели к результату забываеются вплоть до нуля, другими словами вы можете достигнуть желаемого, но к моменту достижения совсем забыть что к ему привело. Простой пример это диета, вы сьели здоровую пищу и сразу результата нет, к тому времени как от диету будет ощутимый результат, вы скорее всего забудете что именно вы ели несколько месяцев назад, и что именно это и последовательность этих дел, привела вас к желаемому ощутимому результату. Из такого временного разрыва между видимым результатом и приложенным усилием, возникает ощущение бесполезности дела, ведь результат не виден сразу, а иногда может быть не видна длительный период. Таким образом если вам кажется что какое-то дело является бесполезным или незначительным, - так как сразу невиден результат, то следует понимать, что результат может быть виден только как совакупный кумулятивный эффект через длительное время, и к этому времени вы скорее всего забудете что конкретно привело к этому результату.

Memory result chart

Под катом код на python для этого графика и ссылки по теме.

#dev, #hardware, #projects

Brief look into WowCube SDK

Category: story

Very brief look into WowCube software SDK.

What is WowCube ? Gaming or kind of puzzle platform, based on Rubik’s cube principle. It uses 8 mini cubes conntected to each other with special magnet locks. Each of mini cube is STM32 bit microcontroller with firmware written with Pawn

There are 8 micro computers connected to each other. Imagine how to develop any kind of program to interact between them, its complicated. Official SDK is very weak, only what they offer is small repository which contains everthing even commited VCcode and Processing inside for some reason, so I decide to make new one clean version to make simplier.