FalseTrue Digest  - Small digital newsletter

EP1 FalseTrue Digest

Categories: digest

Welcome to first episode of FalseTrue Digest, - newsletter or journal, or maybe even e-zine, but right now let’s stick to the name digest. I’ll write weekly based summaries about software development, programming world and software itself.


Repositories and projects

How-to’s and guides

Weekly Linux Desktop

  • Freeplane, - Best mindmapping software for GNU/Linux desktop is Freeplane, its very feature rich and usefull https://docs.freeplane.org/
  • Flameshot, - Feature rich screenshot software, sits in a tray works like a charm, feature rich, using it daily though https://flameshot.org/
  • Krita, is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone. https://krita.org/en/ It’s like ProCreate for and iPad, but free and opensource, can be used on various tablets on any major OS.

Mentions and utils

I’ll be mention here some frequently used program which you’re using everyday and software person who wrote it in the section, lets start straight forward with


is most freqently used command to get list of files guess who wrote it ?

Yes, its Richard Stallman and David MacKenzie, you can check it here http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/tree/src/ls.c?h=v9.3

/* Written by Richard Stallman and David MacKenzie.  */

Richard Stallman Richard Stallman

David MacKenzie David MacKenzie

Authors note

This format will be like this,

  • I’ll share various links, and experiences on a weekly base.
  • Interesting persons on Internet and their stuff.
  • Various software which you don’t even know.

If you like what you see here please comment and share, this helps me gain some consistency on this.

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