EP4 FalseTrue Digest
Welcome to EP-4 of FalseTrue Digest, - newsletter or journal, or maybe even e-zine, but right now let’s stick to the name digest. I’ll write weekly based summaries about software development, programming world and software itself.
- VSCode Security: Malicious Extensions Detected- More Than 45,000 Downloads https://blog.checkpoint.com/securing-the-cloud/malicious-vscode-extensions-with-more-than-45k-downloads-steal-pii-and-enable-backdoors/
Apple Patches 3 Zero-Days Possibly Already Exploited https://www.darkreading.com/application-security/apple-patches-3-zero-days-possibly-already-exploited
Bruce Schneier discuss for .zip and .mov domains https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/security-risks-of-new-zip-and-mov-domains.html
Bruce Schneier on patching Microsoft Secure Boot Bughttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/microsoft-secure-boot-bug.html which Microsoft is patching now https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/05/microsoft-patches-secure-boot-flaw-but-wont-enable-fix-by-default-until-early-2024/
Millions Of Android TVs And Phones Come With Malware
Repositories and projects
PrivateGPT - Ask questions to your documents without an internet connection https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT
Github Readme generator - https://gprm.itsvg.in/
Internet History Podcast - https://www.internethistorypodcast.com/
How-to’s and guides
- All algorythms implemented in Rust https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Rust
Weekly Linux desktop
- GnuCash - one of the great GNU Software for professional Accounting https://www.gnucash.org/, fresh take on GnuCash https://lwn.net/Articles/731126/
- Mindustry - You probably heard of Factorio, here is a different approach of the same mechanics called Mindustry https://mindustrygame.github.io/ take a look significant amount of game mechanics implemented in Java
Mentions and utils
Today mention is Lynx, - a customizable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals. As of 2023, it is the oldest web browser still being maintained,[6] having started in 1992. Each of you GNU/Linux users used it at least ones in a life.
Authors: Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe, Charles Rezac
Links to LyNX:
While search info for Lynx I’ve found that site https://hiddenheroes.netguru.com/, its a project to basically doing same as this section, mentioning people who shaped technology
Authors note
This format will be like this,
- I’ll share various links, and experiences on a weekly base.
- Interesting persons on Internet and their stuff.
- Various software which you don’t even know.
If you like what you see here please comment and share, this helps me gain some consistency on this.